Leslie Ann Butler With bold color and a suggestion of motion, my work asks the viewer to seek the light. Constrained by the physical, we are trapped by walls of dreams and delusion and unable to see reality, which is unending joy. We choose to be defined by our seeming limitations instead of emerging into the realization that we are powerful beings with infinite consciousness. I strive to bring to light the reality that lives deep within, beyond what one can see with outer sight. The creative process does not end with the physicality of the painting, but is continued and enhanced through the eyes of each beholder into the creation of thoughts and emotions it brings out in them; this magic dance of connection is proof that we are not separate.
I work with acrylic paint, paper, gold and silver leaf, charcoal and pastels. In many paintings I have added a paint- obscured slide which symbolizes the veil that covers our true vision. I paint squares and rectangles which can be either windows that open to the light or boxes that shut it out. www.leslieannbutler.com