Do you wake up everyday happy, ready to get the most of your day? If not standby for Dan Clark! Changing hearts and minds with his philosophy, wisdom and humor. Dan is an author, sought after inspirational speaker and a man who can transform people down to their core. Dan Clark is like and inspirational speaker who meets a thrill ride under the Tuscan sun. You don’t want to miss this one. The amazing Dan Clark is elevating others and changing the world.
Dan’s Purpose: Wealth flows through you, not to you. You can get anything in life you want if you’re willing to help enough other people get what they want. Our purpose is to be “conduits of connection”, knowing that at the end of the day it’s not what we do but who we do it with; that we should be willing to pay any price and travel any distance to associate with extraordinary human beings, committed to leaving them, and our co-workers, family members, friends, communities and world in better shape than we found them. Our purpose is to create value everywhere we go by seizing each moment to better our skill sets, to live a lifetime every day so we leave no regrets, and to positively impact everyone we meet so they leave us saying, “I like me best when I’m with you, I want to see you again!”
Dan Believes: Plato taught “all knowledge is recollection”; that when I speak and listeners nod their heads in agreement, I am not teaching them something new – they are simply recalling a truth they already learned in a previous experience. For this reason, those who succeed are those who acknowledge there is a set of universal laws, irrevocably decreed before the foundations of the world upon which all increase and desired results are predicated. And when we obtain any increase or achieve any desired result, it is by strict obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. Therefore, no one changes – we just become more of who we already are; we simply realize that some things are true whether we currently believe them or not; everybody is entitled to their own opinion but nobody is entitled to the wrong facts; we shouldn’t believe everything we think; and that our primary purpose is not to be better than others, but to compete against ourselves and be better today than we were yesterday.
We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience; death is a comma, not an exclamation point; this life is the time for us to prepare to meet our Maker; and whatever degree of intelligence, emotional stability, character development, leadership prowess and spirituality we acquire in this life will rise with us in the next.
Consequently, my daily drive is fueled by an unquenchable curiosity to explore every possibilty, experience every opportunity, learn everything I can and become everything I was born to be. Not because it is expected by others, but because it is demanded of myself
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